Volunteer Guest Background Screening Process
The Blue Springs School District has partnered with the local company DataSource to enhance and strengthen our current background screening process for Volunteer Guests. It is FREE, SECURE, and SIMPLE to register.
Please go to the link below. All Blue Springs School District schools will be listed. Click on the building in which you are planning to volunteer. (If you have students attending multiple buildings, you will only need to complete one application. After completing the application, please contact the Building School Resource Officer for the school you applied at and let them know you have students at additional locations).
Please note: district employees/volunteer staff are required to receive a MACHS (Missouri Automated Criminal History System) background check prior to being employed. This is a comprehensive background check with continuous monitoring. Therefore, district employees looking to volunteer at their child’s school should not complete this screening as they have already been evaluated through the MACHS system. After submission, please wait for an email from DataSource. The email will let you know whether you have been approved or denied. Volunteer applications MUST be submitted at least five (5) days before the event for which you are volunteering. https://bssd.quickapp.pro